Our pigeons and doves need a place to call home. Help create their new forever home.
Welcome to Great Lakes Pigeon Rescue Community
We’re a foster and adoption network for non-releasable rescue pigeons and doves in the Great Lakes region. We’re building a community of pigeon owners, adopters, enthusiasts, rehabilitators, and admirers, and we’d love for you to be a part of it.
So far we have…
Pigeons rescued
Pigeons adopted
Pigeons in our care
Join the Great Lakes Pigeon Rescue Mission
We are on a mission to save the lives of homeless domestic and non-releasable pigeons and doves in the Great Lakes region, who otherwise would face euthanasia or a slow death from lack of care, by providing foster homes, adoption services, medical treatment, and compassionate education about the need for pigeon and dove rescue.