Found a Bird?

Home / Found a Bird?

The fastest way to reach us with information about a found pigeon or dove is to contact us via Facebook or Instagram Messenger.

If you find any injured pigeon, this bird cannot survive in the wild and is in great danger outdoors.

If you find a pigeon who is domestic (bands on legs, all white, unusual shape or colors), this bird cannot survive in the wild and is in great danger outdoors.  Sadly this is not a pet pigeon; this is a survivor of pigeon racing or of ceremony release. Our experience with contacting owners is that they almost never want the birds back. They do not want birds who cannot find their way home or who are injured. In many cases, the returned bird will be killed. You can find more information about pigeon racing here, and about dove releases here.

You are this bird’s only chance for survival and you need to act quickly!  They are not fine most of the time; if a bird can be caught they are in trouble.  They are not being cute and friendly.  A bird on the ground is a bird in trouble.

For the first and most important step, please put the bird into a cardboard box or even a brown paper grocery bag so the bird will be safe.  You can transfer the bird very easily without even having to touch him.  Simply take an old towel or old shirt, gently toss it over the bird, bundle it around the bird, picking him up with 2 hands, securing the wings to his body.  Don’t be afraid to hold him firmly.  Transfer the whole bundle into the box or even a paper bag, and close the top securely.  Bring the box or bag, still closed, into an enclosed environment (your garage, bathroom, closet, etc with all doors securely closed).

Now that the bird is safe, please update us with the bird’s location (street address, city, state) and your contact number and we will follow up with a plan for him.

You have saved a life!!  ❤